What Does a Flight Attendant Do?
Get access to the job designation, duty and responsibility, employment, work schedule, qualifications, technical skills and pay scale of a Flight Attendant
Job designation: - Flight Attendant
The job role of a flight attendant is of professionalism and well-being. It is a job where you have to deal with people with good behaviour, calm attitude and professionalism. A flight attendant has to be very polite when they are greeting or serving customer needs.
Duties and responsibilities of a Flight Attendant
A flight attendant’s duty is to pay attention to the needs of the passengers and be alert because sometimes anyone might require you to bring food or beverages to them. They could even ask to help you regarding handling their luggage.
Guiding passenger to their seats
Making procedures of flight understandable by passenger both young and old
Providing them food and beverages when they require it
Monitoring the situation for any issue regarding passenger, food or luggage
Providing assistance to cabin crew whenever required
Places of employment for a Flight Attendant
Work schedule of a Flight Attendant
They have to work for 90 hours on the flight and 50 hours additional. It may be more based on the work allotted to them because they have to deal with people mostly.
Qualifications required to become a Flight Attendant
A flight attendant may not require that much sophisticated education but a bachelor’s degree combined with technical awareness and good communication can alone do the job. Perfect grooming skills is very much required to appear neat and clean.
Under-graduate courses to become a Flight Attendant
Bachelor’s degree from any stream
Eligibility to pursue the course: -
Key/Technical skills
Being polite and humble towards children and adults
Following safety protocols at times of trouble
Assisting passengers with their luggage
Thorough analysis of passenger seats
Reporting to management and officials of current situation
Salary expectations
Average salary: - Rs. 5.19 lakhs per annum
Entry level salary: - Rs. 2.42 lakhs per annum
Experienced-level salary: - Rs. 10 lakhs per annum
Process of getting the job of a Flight Attendant
Job searching on LinkedIn or Indeed for Flight Attendant posts
Checking out any institution’s profile and requirements for a Flight Attendant
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