Course Details

Android Development


Course contents include basic and advanced level shell scripting:


1. History

 What is Mobile OS
 Need of Android
 Difference with other OS


2. Extracting Core Architecture

 Linux Kernel
 Application Framework


3. Making Your Environment

 Where to grab it
 Android Studio
 Android Development Kit


4. Let’s Begin the chase

 Hello world to Android
 Manifest file
 Running on Device and Emulator




5. Android Technical View

 How Application Works?
 Basic Components
        a) Activity
        b) Service
        c) Broadcast Receiver
        d) Content Provider


6. Android UI Framework

 View Hierarchy
        a) Views
        b) View measurement units
 UI through Code and XML
 Inter Activity Communication
 Java's Sweet Event Handling


7. Building Reach UI

 Adapter Views
 Compound Views
 Custom Views


8. Notifications

 Status Bar


9. Assets and Resources

 Resources and Use
 Handling Runtime Changes


     10. Styles and Themes

 Creating Style
 Style as a Theme


11. Intent, Intent Filters, Broadcast Receiver

 Intent and Intent Filter mechanism
 Registration to components
 Broadcasts Receivers
        a) Built In Receivers
        b) Custom Receiver
        c) Sending Broadcast


12. Storing and Sharing Data

 Shared Preferences
 File Manipulation
        a) Linux File System
        b) Phone Memory
        c) SD Card
        a) Why SQLite?
        b) Using Helper
        c) Insertion, Updating, Deletion and Cursor
 Content Provider
        a) Built In Provider
        b) Custom Provider
        c) File Content Provider


13. Services

 Why Services?
 Life Cycle
 Creating Service
 Android Interface Definition Language



14. Multimedia

 Audio Support
 Video Support


15. Web Services

 Mechanism of Web Architecture
 Requesting and Responses
 JSON Parsing
 XML Parsing
 Web View


16. Location Based Services

 Searching Location
 Location Listener
 Google Maps


17. Sensors

 Sensors Mechanism Overview
 Sensor Listener


18. Bluetooth

 Understanding Local Bluetooth
 Discovering and Pairing
 Managing Connectivity
 Communication with Remote Devices


19. Camera

 Built in Camera
 Surface view, Holder and Customized Camera
 Media Recorder


20. Wi-Fi

 Understanding Mechanism
 Managing Connections

21. Telephony Services

 SMS Sending
 Making Calls
 Making Phone Call


22. Deployment

 Publishing Application to Play Store

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