Course Duration: 4 Months

Course Details

MALUKA’S IAS is the Best IAS Coaching in India to deliver guaranteed result. We provide GUARANTEED PRELIMS for IAS and ASSURED MAINS for IAS, which no other institute can even think of. The courses have been specially designed by MALUKA SIR, the Director of Best IAS Coaching in Delhi and his team. The IAS FOUNDATION COURSE is an extensive course which provides for at least 8-9 revisions solely by MALUKA SIR. Hence we are the Best IAS coaching in India. It includes regular surprise test. IAS PRELIMS TEST SERIES and IAS MAINS TEST SERIES are part of this extensive program. It also includes DAILY ANSWER WRITING FOR IAS in which students would be writing 8 questions per days for 5 days a week. Discussion for each question and evaluation of each answer of students will be done solely by MALUKA SIR . The checked copies will be given to students during personal guidance session by MALUKA SIR. The MALUKA IAS, Best IAS coaching in Delhi will have both WEEKEND CLASSES FOR IAS and WEEKDAYS BATCHES FOR IAS.

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