Course Details






  • Introduction to Java
  • Simple, Object Oriented, and Familiar
  • Robust and Secure
  • Interpreted, Threaded, and Dynamic
  • Primitive Data Types
  • Arithmetic and Relational Operators
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Multi-Level Break
  • Memory Management and Garbage Collection
  • The Background Garbage Collector
  • Integrated Thread Synchronization
  • Features Removed from C and C++
  • Java is Object Oriented
  • Object Technology in Java
  • What Are Objects?
  • Basics of Objects
  • Classes
  • Instantiating an Object from its Class
  • Constructors
  • Methods and Messaging
  • Finalizers
  • Subclasses
  • Java Language Interfaces
  • Access Control
  • Packages
  • Class Variables and Class Methods
  • Abstract Methods
  • Architecture Neutral, Portable, and Robust
  • Interpreted and Dynamic
  • Dynamic Loading and Binding
  • The Fragile Super class Problem
  • Solving the Fragile Super class Problem
  • Run-Time Representations
  • Security in Java Memory Allocation and Layout


  • Security Checks in the Class Loader
  • The Byte Code Verification Process
  • The Byte Code Verifier
  • Security in the Java Networking Package
  • Multithreading
  • Threads at the Java Language Level
  • Integrated Thread Synchronization
  • Multithreading Support--Conclusion
  • Performance and Comparisons
  • Performance
  • The Java Language Compared
  • A Major Benefit of Java: Fast and Fearless Prototyping
  • Java Base System and Libraries
  • Java Language Classes
  • Input Output Package
  • Utility Package
  • Abstract Window Toolkit
  • The Hot Java World-Wide Web Browser
  • The Evolution of Cyberspace
  • The Hot Java Browser--A New Concept in Web Browsers
  • Dynamic Content
  • Dynamic Types
  • Dynamic Protocols
  • Freedom to Innovate
  • Implementation Details
  • Security The First Layer--the Java Language Interpreter
  • The Next Layer--the Higher Level Protocols
  • Hot Java--the Promise



  • What Is the JDBC API?
  • Driver Types
  • Two-tier and Three-tier Models
  • Connection Overview
  • Transactions
  • Driver Manager Overview
  • Statement Overview
  • Sending Batch Updates
  • Result Set Overview
  • Types of Result Sets
  • Concurrency Types
  • Prepared Statement Overview
  • Callable Statement Overview
  • JDBC SQL Programming
  • Error Checking and the SQL Exception Class
  • The SQL Warning Class


  • JDBC Types
  • Executing SQL Queries
  • Result Set Meta Data
  • Executing SQL Updates
  • Using a Prepared Statement
  • Parameterized Statements
  • Stored Procedures
  • Transaction Management



  • Getting Started With Applets
  • Defining an Applet Subclass
  • Methods for Milestones
  • Life Cycle of an Applet
  • Applet's Execution Environment
  • Developing an Applet
  • Deploying an Applet
  • Deploying With the Applet Tag
  • Doing More With Applets
  • Finding and Loading Data Files
  • Defining and Using Applet Parameters
  • Displaying Short Status Strings
  • Displaying Documents in the Browser
  • Invoking JavaScript Code From an Applet
  • Invoking Applet Methods From JavaScript Code
  • Manipulating DOM of Applet's Web Page
  • Displaying a Customized Loading Progress Indicator
  • Writing Diagnostics to Standard Output and Error Streams
  • Developing Draggable Applets
  • Communicating With Other Applets
  • Working With a Server-Side Application
  • Network Client Applet Example


Getting Started with Swing

  • Learning Swing with the Net Beans IDE
  • Using Swing Components
  • Concurrency in Swing
  • Using Other Swing Features
  • Laying Out Components Within a Container
  • Modifying the Look and Feel
  • Drag and Drop and Data Transfer
  • Writing Event Listeners







Duration: 3 months


  • Introduction to Enterprise Edition
  • Distributed Multitier Applications
  • J2EE Containers
  • Web Services Support
  • Packaging Applications
  • J2EE 1.4 APIs


Java Servlet Technology

  • What is Web Application?
  • What Is a Servlet?
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Sharing Information
  • Using Scope Objects
  • Controlling Concurrent Access
  • Getting Information from Requests
  • Constructing Responses
  • Filtering Requests and Responses
  • Programming Filters
  • Customized Requests and Responses
  • Specifying Filter Mappings
  • Invoking Other Web Resources
  • Including Other Resources in the Response
  • Transferring Control
  • Accessing the Web Context
  • Maintaining Client State
  • Session Management
  • Session Tracking
  • Tracking Service Requests
  • Notifying Methods to Shut Down
  • Creating Polite Long-Running Methods
  • JSP Technology
  • Java Server Pages Technology
  • The Life Cycle of a JSP Page
  • Translation and Compilation
  • Creating Static Content
  • Response and Page Encoding
  • Creating Dynamic Content
  • Using Objects within JSP Pages
  • Expression Language
  • Deactivating Expression Evaluation
  • Implicit Objects
  • Literals & Operators
  • Reserved Words
  • JavaBeans Components
  • Reusing Content in JSP Pages
  • Transferring Control
  • jsp:param Element
  • Including an A

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