Course Duration: 2 Months

Course Details

Course Content:
Module 1: SDLC

§  Introduction to SDLC

§  Stages in SDLC


Module 2: SQL SERVER 2005


§  Constraints, Operators, Functions

§  Joins & Sub Queries

§  Stored procedures, Triggers, Transaction


Module 3: Core JAVA

§  Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

§  An overview of JAVA, Language Basics

§  Introduction to Classes and Objects

§  Member accessibility modifiers

§  Other modifiers for Members

§  Introduction to Packages

§  Inheritance & Working with Interfaces

§  Exception Handling, Generics

§  Collection frameworks

§  Threads and Synchronization

§  Web based development using Java Applets

§  Working with AWT

§  Handling events for AWT Components

§  File Handling and Data Handling

§  I/O Streams


§  Networks Socket Programming


Module 4: Web Application Technologies


§  Introduction to HTML

§  Tag references

§  Basic tags

§  Text Formatting tags

§  List, Frameset, Link & Image tag and its Attributes

§  Table tag with attributes

§  Form & Input Tags


§  Introduction about DHTML

§  Applying Styles using CSS

§  Writing Style Sheet internally

§  Writing Style Sheet externally

§  XML

§  Introduction about XML

§  What is XML parser?

§  About DTD & XML schema

§  Defining Entities


§  Java Scripts

§  Introduction about Client side Scripting

§  JavaScript Basics

§  Methods in JavaScript

§  Form objects and its events

§  Other objects & User defined objects

§  Form validation


Module 5: Advanced JAVA Web Application Technologies


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