Course Details

UNIX Shell Scripting

Course Content

1.      Fundamentals of UNIX

·         Understand the architecture of UNIX.

·         Understanding  the basics of Unix

·         Details explanation of file Attributes

·         Basic commands and concepts.

·         Command Manuals

·         Relative and Absolute Paths

·         Environment variables.

·         Basic of editor: vi

2.      Introduction to vi- editor

3.      Shell Scripting

·         Shell Introduction

·         Different types of shell

·         What is Shell Scripting?

·         Basics Shell scripts

·         Interpolation, Types of variables, Operators, read variables, exit status etc

·         Common commands used in shell script: substitution, quoting,  flow controls, parameters,

·         Shell scripting execution

·         Variables and Parameters

·         Loops, statements etc

4.      Shell Scripting – Advanced I

·         Function Introduction

·         Input/output redirection

·         Variables substitution

·         Connect to third party application like: Oracle, FTP etc.

·         Regular Expressions

·         Industry experience sample scripts debugging

·         Important commands and utilities like grep, find, awk, sed etc.

5.      Shell Scripting – Advanced II

·         Crontab and at command

·         Job scheduling third party tools discussion

·         Compress the files

·         nohup and backend processes

·         AWK utility in detail

·         Signals

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