Course Duration: Self-Paced

Course Details

Module 1- An Overview of Python
What is Python?
Python Timeline
Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
Getting help with pydoc

Module 2- The Python Environment
Starting Python
Using the interpreter
Running a Python script
Python scripts on UNIX/Windows
Editors and IDEs

Module 3- Getting Started
Using variables
Built-in functions
Converting among types
Writing to the screen
Command line parameters

Module 4- Flow Control
About flow control
White space
Conditional expressions
Relational and Boolean operators
While loops
Alternate loop exits

Module 5- Sequences
About sequences
Lists and list methods
Indexing and slicing
Iterating through a sequence
Sequence functions, keywords, and operators
List comprehensions
Generator Expressions
Nested sequences

Module 6- Working with files
File overview
Opening a text file
Reading a text file
Writing to a text file
Reading and writing raw (binary) data
Converting binary data with struct

Module 7- Dictionaries and Sets
About dictionaries
Creating dictionaries
Iterating through a dictionary
About sets
Creating sets
Working with sets

Module 8- Functions
Defining functions
Global and local scope
Nested functions
Returning values

Module 9- Sorting
The sorted() function
Alternate keys
Lambda functions
Sorting collections
Using operator.itemgetter()
Reverse sorting

Module 10- Errors and Exception Handling
Syntax errors
Using try/catch/else/finally
Handling multiple exceptions
Ignoring exceptions

Module 11- Modules and Packages
The import statement
Module search path
Creating modules
Using packages
Function and module aliases

Module 12- Classes
About o-o programming
Defining classes
Instance data
Class methods and data

Module 13- Regular Expressions
RE syntax overview
RE Objects
Searching and matching
Compilation flags
Groups and special groups
Replacing text
Splitting strings

Module 14- The standard library
The sys module
Launching external programs
Math functions
Random numbers
The string module
Reading CSV data

Module 15- Dates and times
Working with dates and times
Translating timestamps
Parsing dates from text
Formatting dates
Calendar data

Module 16- Working with the file system paths, directories, and filenames
Checking for existence
Permissions and other file attributes
Walking directory trees
Creating filters with fileinput
Using shutil for file operations
17 - Advanced data handling
Defaultdict and Counter
Prettyprinting data structures
Compressed archives (zip, gzip, tar, etc.)
Persistent data

Module 17- Network services
Grabbing web content
Sending email
Using SSH for remote access
Using FTP

Module 18- Writing real-life applications
Parsing command-line options
Detecting the current platform
Trapping signals
Implementing logging
Python Timeline
Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
Getting help with pydoc

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